Jens Spahn at the WVSG

Exciting Q&A session with members of the Bundestag

After the question and answer session with Jens Spahn, Member of the Bundestag, had to be canceled for the students of the 10th grade during their visit to the Bundestag last year, the event was now held in the auditorium of the WvSG.

Support was provided by the students of the advanced Sowi course in Q1, who had prepared the one-hour discussion round in class. In the run-up to the event, the tenth graders had formulated questions for the MP, which were then summarized and thematically bundled by the Sowi course.

Moderator Taj and the two presenters Mhoseb and Lenny confidently put questions to the Member of the Bundestag and repeatedly asked critical questions. In addition to the topic of disenchantment with politics, the topics of right-wing extremism and Germany's role in the Ukraine conflict were also discussed. (Brw)