Student representatives
from left: Eva Oberkalkofen, Sophia Böckers and Jaris Hollenborg

SV members
Xenia Bender,Theresa Schreiber, Jette Wermert, Marlene Klaas, Johanna Weiß, Sanna Hentschel, Lilli van der Wals, Anna Weßling, Enes Ansal, Luca Millkuhn (all level 10), Yella Wölke, Lea Opfermann, Timo Dinkelborg, Constantin Kiefer, Jonas Kretschmar, Elisa Leuderalbert, Emma Overkamp, Merel de Vos, Jaris Hollenborg, Paul Beckhelling (all EF), Eva Oberkalkofen, Rahel Bozkurt, Taj Ajram, Sophie Böckers, Marwa Aboushala (all Q2)
All class representatives, level representatives, the student representative team, delegated students in the school committees and delegated students for the student parliament are part of the student council. The student council is also made up of committed students who are keen to get involved on behalf of the entire student body and make school life easier, with guidance and support from the teachers. This cooperation allows us to organize events such as the annual student council carnival or the sponsored run.
Co-determination and participation as a right of the students
The student council represents the opinions of the students in all important committees, for example in the school conference. Together with the other committees (teachers' and parents' committee), we can often assert your interests. In the past, for example, we were able to introduce a coffee machine or adapt the school rules. Together with the parents and teachers, we were also able to achieve a better schoolyard design.
Activities at the school
School without racism - school with courage http://www.schule-ohne-rassismus.org/startseite/
Our school sponsor Dennis Buß https://www.dennis-buss.de
School fees for Uganda http://www.st-agatha-epe.de/schulgeld-uganda/
Bethesda retirement home https://www.bethesdaseniorenzentrum.de/
SV-Karneval, Siemens-Challenge, sponsored run, ...