Abitur at the WvSG

12 times "one" before the decimal point

The Central Abitur Committee was made up of the principal Thomas Herden, senior school coordinator Klaus Overesch, Okka Janssen and Stefan Hübner. 46 students obtained the general higher education entrance qualification or the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences, two of them even with an average of 1.0.

Eleven former Realschule pupils who transferred from the Fridtjof-Nansen-Realschule Gronau to the Gymnasium after year 10 also received their university entrance qualification.

The graduation ceremony took place on 29.06.2024. It began at 9:00 a.m. with an ecumenical service in St. Agatha's Church. The certificates were then presented from 10:15 in the secondary school auditorium. The final event was the graduation ball at New Style Event.

The students were taught in the following advanced courses: German (Stefan Hübner), English (Britta Nolte), History (Okka Janssen), Mathematics (Sebastian Fehlker), Biology (Friederike Westermann), Social Sciences (Franz Küstner-Rensing), Education (Carolin Klatt) and Geography (Andreas Schapmann).

Of the 46 students, the following have consented to the publication of their names: Mia Abbing, Gabriela Abdulmasih, Miriam Abdulmasih, Elina Alkas Hana, Annalena Baer, Mattheo Baginski, Ilena-Jenice Baimler, Mika Sascha Bajorath, Charlotte Sofie Bosch, Henry Simon Buß, Ela Elara Derinoglu, Aisha El Arabi, Til Lennard Feldkamp, Hilal-Helinay Geckalan, Josephine Theresa Gläsel, Luca David Haupt, Lina Hübscher, Annika Jansen, Kristian Jazko, Yaren Kaya, Carla Leuderalbert, Mateo Lucic, Noah Meier, Schaima Mejri, Luisa Morano, Jasmin Morlang, Lara Noll, Kristian Ramo, Sara Ramo, Yorick Mika Roeters, George Safar, Jana Sander, Anna-Lena Schröder, Paul Ulrich Siewer, Melanie Sinner, Tobias Marten Smit, Martin Stobert, Onur Tasaroglu, Gohar Aramowna Tonojan, Paul Wigger, Friso Hendrik Wyckelsma, Ansa Zaman.

We wish our graduating class all the best!